Tuesday, September 3, 2024

11 years later...

Wow, it's been a crazy ride!  This year feels like a really good time to share this crazy journey. 

Last month it's been 11 years.   How is that possible?  11 years living with/without our son. It's still such a crazy juggling act. I have so much i want to share about the journey.  How we ended up in Florida and the life we've recreated.  

But tonight I'll just tell you it's possible! Even when things seem like such a shit show, tackling it together can leave you in stitches.  

I'll explain the picture of tonight's shit show soon.  I hope I still have a few people that want to come along for the ride. I hope I can share a bit of hope. But here we go again,  while I try to #doitforcj.

Love,  jen

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