I'm feeling a bit side swept by an overwhelming feeling of loss tonight. Of course for my son, but for so many other things also.
Dreams that turned into reality mostly. How often do we dream so lofty and be blessed with it's fruition? 13 years of waiting and praying to add to our family materialized for no rhyme or reason. I had not taken fertility treatments. My faith had been steady. Why at that time? One of those questions I'll never really understand.
We lost CJ. A week later we lost or 15 yr old dog. 2 weeks later we got a puppy, who passed away as soon as we all became attached. It was a never ended onslaught of loss. We were like refugees, stumbling through life. The kids were in a new school district. We were in a new community where nobody knew us. We were lost.
The funny thing is, being lost doesn't always mean you need to return to the same starting place. We tried that and what was waiting there had lost it's luster. What we realized wad while we had such a beautiful community of supporters living us through our hell, a few people that we had banked too much of our lives on completely flaked.
With love, we survived. We recognized those who stepped forward to be there on the ugly nights. Extended family that started dropping in to check on us and listened when we didn't have a clue how to put to words our pain. Relationships were strengthened, renewed, and even forged. A few we let go of. A few let go of us. We have changed our physical surroundings as well as emotional. And slowly, we have redefined home.
This feeling of loss tonight is hopefully short lived. New pets have helped us direct a bit of our broken hearts to something to nurture. Future plans to get out of Chicago winters for good have us excited for the future. Something is missing. Something will ALWAYS be missing. But even with loss, there's life.
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