Thursday, September 17, 2015

Just like CJ...

Another dead baby in the news.   That's how WGN headlined the end of a short life.   "Another dead baby...".  These headlines hurt me beyond understanding. The one found in Chicago today was 2 months young. 

Like so many other people in this world,  I would step forward in a heartbeat to hold that baby and raise him/her as my own. But maybe my vision is a bit different.  Of course I would welcome him into our lives as a beautiful,  living child.   But with that window passed,  my heart screams for something more.

That baby has a name.   God brought that child to this earth with purpose.   That lifeless, still child rests in a morgue or medical examiner's office.  At this moment,  he/she is just like CJ.

I pray that angel slipped out of this world peacefully.  And equally,  I wish I could swaddle the earthly remains.   That angel deserves his final moments to be held in loving arms,  surrounded in a soft blanket, and honored.  Just like CJ.


Although our story has broken my soul in ways that can never be repaired,   I had my moment with him.   I can relive the heartbreak of time taken from us,  or focus on the sweet moments we had.  CJ came into our world in a calm and quiet room.  He was swaddled, kissed, adored, and honored.  He was loved and cradled by family. His sweet body was there to remind us that his soul would live forever. 

When I hear of "another dead baby", I pray someone picked them up in loving arms as simply a baby, swaddled them in comfort,  marveled at their sweet face,  and honored the existence of such an amazing being.

Because they are just like CJ.

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