Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hurting moments. ..

The sun is setting. Despite the clear blue sky,  the chill in the air has me sitting in my car.   In the cemetery.  

I wanted to tell him I love him.   That yesterday I risked opening up fresh wounds to share his story.  I planned on singing him a lullaby and telling him sweet dreams.  Instead I sobbed.   I sobbed tears that have been kept hidden for a few weeks.  Tears screaming to be released in acknowledgment of so much pain.  Too much pain for anyone to survive, let alone smile after experiencing.
I don't understand this journey.   I simply don't understand why I'm sitting in a cemetery alone as the sun goes down and the world keeps turning. Doesn't everyone know CJ DIED?   His little body is buried a few yards away with the majority of who I used to be. 

This is my reality.  For everyone who thinks I'm so strong,  you are wrong.  I am broken in ways that you can't begin to understand.  After this meltdown,  I'll clean up the mascara smudges and drive thru for a diet coke fix and pick up a kid at church.   Eventually I'll go home to do the normal things we all tackle- laundry, dishes,  email...  Tomorrow I'll get up and do it all over again.  Maybe the day will be easier,  but possibly not.

But for tonight,  my tears hurt...

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