Friday, May 9, 2014

Don't wait

Tonight my mind is on one simple thought.

Don't wait.

Share love with those around you. Not only by telling them, but show them.  Hug your kids every day.  EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  Don't wait.

Take advantage of the opportunity of supporting a kid in your village as if they are your birth child.  Cheer them on at sporting events, listen to their concerts.  Participate and celebrate their accomplishments.  Go THIS TIME.  Don't wait.

Tonight our evening consisted of taking 2 teen daughters plus their boyfriends to watch the 3rd daughter's bf in a baseball game.  We cheered and laughed. We were an odd village to onlookers, but a happy one. While climbing over our slew of teens on a food run, I jokingly grabbed the face of one of my girls and kissed her cheek. I expected squeals, but instead was greeted by a returned hug and her sister demanding her kiss next.  I took advantage of a moment and they soaked it up.  I've learned not to wait.  I've also learned that they don't want me to.

Our favorite ball player was cut from the team tonight.  We were there to watch him catch the last 3 innings.  we were there.  That's all that matters!

Tomorrow my village of sweet crazy teens may look different, but I will love them the same.  God gave me a mothers heart.   And while my arms ache horribly this weekend,  i'm going to do my best to love the kids God has given me on earth as well as holding for me in heaven.  I could easily hide away starting the holiday is to hard, but then I would miss out on the love. 

Don't wait.  Hug that crabby teenager.  #doitforcj

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