Saturday, February 15, 2014

An almost perfect day

Another busy day.  The big highschool turnabout dance was finally here!  7 girls dressed and prepped prior before 3 handsome young men joined us for pictures.  A packed conversion van full of laughter and dad at the wheel delivered the precious cargo, and picked up after.  I greeted them when they returned (plus a few extra) with a hot meal and a scary movie. 

We sat at the kitchen table soaking in their infectious energy as they jumped and screamed watching the remake of an old horror flick. The dh is still down there at 1:30am ready to personally escort the last handsome young man home!

Watching our sophmore happily hang out with her freshman sister and friends all day was so neat to see.  Our girls have managed to be friends, not just sisters.  Often we see one easily assimilate to the other's circle of friends so effortlessly.  They truly enjoy spending time with eachother which has blossomed since we lost CJ. What an incredible blessing for them. Just one of so many blessings CJ brought to our lives! I wish I knew the secret to how that relationship has developed.  I hope somehow we had a hand in it!

So as I happily crawl into satin pjs and a warm bed, I'm left with just one thought...

Today was ALMOST perfect.  Missing you like crazy my sweet little CJ!! #doitforcj

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