Saturday, August 23, 2014

A house full of family

What a great day!  A great friend came over with her kiddos (plus a few extra teens were here celebrating Skye's birthday). Hubby working,  9 females,  1 beautiful baby boy,  1 angel boy smiling over all of us, fried pickles, a huge pot of spaghetti and awesome dessert fruit pizza.   Serious giggles and insanity. 


Just a bit before they came over I was on the phone with a very special cousin.  My heart was heavy over some really ridiculous inlaw drama.   She reassured me that it's ok to not to always like everyone you are related to and brought my attention back to how blessed we are with "family".  Blood lines do not define "family". Love does. And we are seriously blessed with an abundance of family related to us and adopted.

So today I looked around at my crowded kitchen full of happy faces and truly felt loved.   Teenagers yelling over eachother,  a baby to pass around, and a sweetheart of a friend agreeing with my behavior even if I could do better.  With her, there is no pressure to be anything less what I am.  

Flawed,  short tempered,  open hearted, miserably optimistic, and often a hot mess! 

But loved.  Very very loved.

Happy birthday to our Skyelar Elizabeth!   Our youngest daughter,  Skye blesses us every day with her huge heart, hysterical sense of humor, and compassion beyond anything I have ever witnessed. 


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