Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What I have learned during year 1

With the anxiety of CJ's 1st birthday behind us,  I'm being asked quite often what are the biggest lessons I've learned.   Here's a few of my favorites...

When you don't know what to say,  the only correct things are:
I'm sorry.
I love you.
I'm here for you.

Teenagers share love in such a pure way. Thier ability to empathize and comfort is boundless.

Dog are angels on earth.  They provide companionship and comic relief nomatter the life situation.

Husbands cry.

Sleep is mandatory to survive,  not a luxury.

The closest people to you,  who love you the most, are often not the best support when grieving.

Waterproof mascara is a farce.

It's ok to not be ok.

Some people will take advantage of you when you are at your absolute lowest.  It's ok to walk away from them.

Cemeteries are for laughing AND crying,  often on the same visit.

It's ok to say no.  Not every offer to "help" is actually helpful.

Bad days are inevitable.   Be gentle with yourself.

24 hours.  Once you hit 24 hrs,  you MUST get out of the house! You can cry just as well sitting in a park as at home.

It's ok to cry in public.  Most people will look away,  but the one who takes the time to stop and talk to you will carry your story with them forever.

Life DOES go on.   It hurts at times, but there is so much left to be enjoyed.   Take a deep breath. Pull up your big girl panties,  grab your sunglasses,  and get out there!


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