Thursday, January 16, 2014

Nope...this isn't ALL of us!

Tonight we went to a basketball game at a prominently black school.  My husband was able to duck out of work to join me, 2 of our girls, and a friend aka adopted kiddo. We had a poster and a couple dozen cupcakes in tow, and the typical laughter that tends to ensue with everyone packed into the van for any length of time.  One of the girl's bf meet us there.  We were sitting dead center of the stands. This crazy cheering group of very white Mexicans in a sea of home team annoyed highschool students.  We were completely unwelcomed and comments were flying all around us.  I'll leave it to your imagination what suburban school we were at...  This may have been the most racially charged atmosphere I've ever been in, and the behavior of several adults was making me very nervous.  The girls never flinched.  They cheered their sister on holding up their poster and screaming birthday wishes the entire game. The broke into what they called the"white girl bop"with the half time rap music.  This INFURIATED many around us.  They were just having fun, oblivious that we were literally sitting in a school that had a gang shooting a week ago.  I pleaded to God to get us off of the property without conflict as DOZENS of angry eyes followed us out of the gym.

A very sweet security guard working the door noticed my discomfort.  She winked at me and said "are they ALL yours??"  Yep.  And damn proud of it!!  Tonight those kids did EXACTLY what i've taught them to do-  #doitforcj

Update: holycrapontoast.   This was a few hours before we were there a few blocks away...

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