Friday, January 24, 2014

To be 17 again

My daughter had a game at my old highschool tonight.  It's been many years since I've been inside of the building.

Sitting in the stands always gives me too much time to think.  At half time, my mind composed a letter to my 17 year old self...


17 will be the easiest your life will ever be.  There will be some heartbreak in the future, but there will also be joy that you can't even begin to imagine.

I won't tell you anything that will change your path or scare you.  Just remember that you are so much stronger than you can even imagine right now.  You will be tested, but you will find your strength.  Every decision you make will build to a really beautiful future.  You'll learn these lessons (some the hard way, some easier)

Love with all your heart,
Sing on the top of your lungs often,
Never pass up a chance to laugh, Take pictures every chance you get,
Pray even when you don't want to,
Stand up for others,
When it's time to let go, let go,
Stop apologizing for others,
Get the 2nd dog,
Stop worrying about what others think,
You are so much more than what you think,
Nobody worth knowing  gives a crap who you were in highschool,
Open your heart to possibilities,

But most of all...

Be happy!!!
The years will bring tears and laughter.  Embrace it all.  You will surprise yourself with your own strength one day.  But most importantly, you will be so abundantly blessed with love that you will #doitforcj

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