Friday, January 10, 2014

Angels among us

The night we checked into the hospital, we had an encounter that I will never forget.  Even under the veil of shock.

An elderly nun came into our room soon after we arrived.  She acted as if she had been specifically sent to us, yet didn't know what was happening until we told her.  She prayed with us and hugged me while I sobbed.  She assured us she was just a quick call away if we couldn't reach our pastor, and that she had other visits to make but would try to check in on me later.

I didn't see her again that night. Fr. David came to baptize CJ in the morning and we were too caught up in grief to question or ponder who she was. 

The next night, I was sedated on a lovely mixture of Ambien, Xanax, Zoloft and Dilaudid after a few hysterical hours.  Family had left and Nate was sleeping on the pullout in my room.  I remember very clearly feeling my hair brushed out of my face, a soft female voice telling me it was all going to be ok, and feeling a warm kiss on my forehead.  I watched the blurred figure do the same to Nate.  I assumed our visitor had returned.

The next morning the social worker came in to visit me and I questioned who the elderly woman was. She had no answer for me.  The hospital is Adventist, as are the ministry staff.  A Catholic nun would be noticed. 

I don't know who my sweet visitor was, but I know who sent her. Angels walk among us every day.  I held one in my arms, and another tucked us in when we were at our weakest moment.  In that loving memory, we will #doitforcj

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