Saturday, January 11, 2014


Put your tissues away-  let's get the logistics of a timeline out of the way.  By understanding the the crapstorm that we were about to endure, our refugee appearance those first few weeks will make more sense.

Monday: The horrible day we learned CJ's heart was no longer beating.  I was admitted and induced that evening.

Tuesday: CJ was delivered in the morning. That afternoon, Nate and the girls will leave me at the hospital heavily sedated to make arrangements at the funeral home, cemetery, and church. CJ is picked up by the funeral home.

Wednesday: I am released late afternoon. The kids should have begun their first day at a new highschool. At home, I develop a fever.

Thursday:  CJ's funeral mass, burial, and luncheon.  I am in a wheelchair with 103 fever all day.

Friday: our oldest was supposed to report in to her college team and move back on campus.  Instead we are all at home in a state of shock.  My high fevers continue.

Saturday: ??  High fevers and very little memory of the day

Sunday:  Nate leaves for the day to move our oldest back to college. That night he and I take turns sitting up with our sweet old lab who is ready to cross the rainbow bridge.

Monday: Our other 2 daughters are finally starting school.  20 min after they leave, our sweet old dog dies in Nate's arms.  We wrap her in a quilt and take her to the vet. We get to break the news to the girls when they get home and call our oldest after her 1st day at team camp. Somehow Nate and I still attend high school curriculum night.

At this point, I am still running fevers.  Nate is home with me for the week, but deals with the stress by gutting and remodeling the powder room on the first floor (leaving me to walk up a flight up stairs to bathroom. Probably not our smartest idea! But it kept him within eyesight of me on the couch)

So I will leave my story here for now.  As you can imagine, we were the poster family for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But don't give up on us yet!  Love will prevail!  We will make decisions as a family to not only survive, but thrive.

we WILL #doitforcj

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