Thursday, January 23, 2014

Puppy poop

We left the house for a few hours and our 6 month old shepherd mix puppy was safely secured in her cage (to the relief of my furniture!).  We had a fun evening and returned laughing and in wonderful moods.

Then we walked in the door.

Brace yourself.

This is gross.

Our sweet little puppy had a poop accident.  We smelled it the second we opened the door.  But the horror was what we found.

Evidently after having this accident, she panicked.  I mean REALLY panicked.  She was covered in poop, the cage was covered in poop, her blanket was covered in poop.  This small pup had managed to cause enough chaos in the cage to turn our entire evening upside down! I still can't believe how far one poop accident can be spread out... Ughh...

So an hour later, the pup had a warm bath, the cage scrubbed, and blanket is soaking.  Dinner was a quick pasta, but it was hot and everyone is full.

Why am I telling this disgusting story? Because it just hit me that it is the answer to the "I don't know how you survived"comment.  Or "I would never survive" (which I hate because I always want to reply why? Do you love your kids more than I do??)

This is what losing a baby is like.  You are happily anticipating a baby. Then that horrible moment when you smell something funny. For me it was the look on the ultra sound tech's face.  Then the absolute DREAD of seeing that cage is the doctor's confirmation. At first you are all in shock, but then as family you spring into action.  Someone washes the dog, someone tackles the cage, and dinner was made and ready for everyone.  In our case,  family takes turns with me at the hospital, funeral arrangement are made, and we all seemed to stop and breathe at the luncheon.

It's what families do.  Nobody wants to.  You can't avoid it. There's no stalling.  Everyone works together and eventually rests together.  It sucks, but you do what you have to do.

CJ brought out the best in us.  He continues to every day.  We sprang into action and took care of eachother. Now our goal is to share his love with the world.  We will #doitforcj !

So the next time you hear someone's story and are tempted to say that you would never survive, YES you would.  Raise your gorgeous kids to understand that family comes first.  That at the drop of a hat everything can change.  Teach them that they have value and are needed in the family unit. Mom and Dad can not do it all themselves.  If my teenagers can help hold mom together after loosing a baby, think about all those minor dramas in life your kids CAN handle. 

Puppy poop?? Piece of cake!

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