Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sweet 16

What does Tori Turning 16 have to do with CJ?  EVERYTHING!  Who she is turning into as a young woman is greatly influenced by her love for her brother. So please join me in wishing my sweet, vivacious, comic, loving, protective Tori Paige a very happy sweet 16th/golden birthday!

If I could give you advice -save your eye roll for later ;)

Love with all your heart. 

Live a life you are proud of.

Don't let others be your mouth piece.

Stand up for those weaker than you.

Never be embarrassed to have faith, morals, and values.

Know that with every step into adulthood, we are here for you.  While we tell you to spread  your wings, we will be holding our breath and at the ready to catch you if you fall.  We are proud of you, T-bird!!!

Love, mom

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